Dear riders, Maintaining a safe environment for everyone to enjoy and feel comfortable is our highest priority. We implement the following safety concept and ask that all visitors to the studio play their part in helping us enjoy many more rides in the coming months.
Current government guidelines in Portugal require participants to provide proof of covid-19 certification in the form of a vaccination OR recovery certificate OR Antigen test done within 48 hours of class OR PCR test done within 72 hours. Besides, masks are mandatory on arrival and exit of the studio and optional once on your bike. You will also find hand sanitizing gel dispensers in the common areas.
Our standard practise is to deep clean and sanitise our entire studio after each ride. This includes every bike, weights, shoes and high traffic touch points. Changing rooms and lockers are cleaned and disinfected after each use, common areas cleaned and disinfected throughout the day.
Our cycling studio ventilation system is brand new and has undergone a thorough deep clean and sanitisation. It continues to circulate fresh air throughout the studio during and after every ride
CONTACT TRACING We please ask that if you should show signs of covid-19 before or after a ride, you inform us immediately. Any ride credits will be returned to accounts for cancelled classes and detailed contact tracing is in place For further information or questions, please feel free to email us to In good health studiorise